How did it happen that when we were young time just barely crawled… and now it just zooms by? And how in the world did I wake up one day in my grandmother’s body?!!
Here we are once again looking back at the year we had just looked forward to. The concept of time boggles the mind, and is an ever increasing source of frustration and fear.
God, however, is neither boggled nor afraid. He is the One Who created time and space! Because HE is infinite, He cannot be confined to its limits. He is the I AM . Always existing.
The good news is that He loved us so much that He limited Himself to time and space, deliberately suffering the most painful death. Why? So that we would no longer have to be confined by time’s cruel bondage. So that we could be His . He wants us closer to Him than any other created being! His children, His beloved bride. Even the angels marvel at this!
In the meantime, we are stuck here in these rapidly deteriorating bodies, helplessly watching the clock tick. Some of us are already admittedly in geezer mode, and hooray if we can laugh at ourselves.
The drag comes in the pain accompanying aging, the devaluation by a youth-worshiping society, and the fear of death. Those who do not have a personal relationship with their Creator and Savior can only distract themselves from the impending eternity without God.
But those of us who know our Savior have hope. HE WILL COME FOR US.
If that is truly our hope, then time is our friend. It carries us closer each day to that event (which by the way is already on God’s calendar!)
So, when I look at the date and wonder where the last 50 years have gone, or when I look at my grandmother’s skin on my arm, I can laugh! I thank God! It’s just more evidence that I will soon be in His presence, free from a sin cursed world and the tyranny of time.
And that is a reason to celebrate! (Now if I can just remember where I put my party hat…)
“Absent from the body…
present with the LORD!”