Do you remember the first time someone special said, “I love you” and you could hardly wait to respond with a heartfelt “I love you too!” Not much in this life compares to the rapture of that moment.
And when you think about it, not much compares to the risk – the torturous anxiety- of that eternity between the “I love you” and the response. What if they laugh? Or slap me? Or ignore me as if they had not heard? Or perhaps the worst, the dreaded “I like you but let’s just be friends.” Ouch!
The good news is that with God, He has already taken the risk. When Jesus willingly submitted to His own torturous death on the cross, in OUR place, He was looking at YOU and saying, “I love you.” It is our privilege to respond!
But how do you say, “I love You too” to God? It can feel very awkward. Almost trite. But when we express our devotion to Him in the context of response to His display of affection on the cross, it seems so right.
Love full circle. Like He meant it to be all along!
I am finally realizing that although with God sometimes we do have rapturous moments, we do not need to experience them continually in our relationship with Him. The simplicity of His love and our response is all we need. We love Him because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19)
He said it first. We have the privilege of responding.
When was the last time you told God that you loved Him too? Perhaps we all can not only tell Him but even more, show Him. And that brings rapture to His heart.