Got a cold sore last week. Approximately the size of Texas. In my younger days I would have freaked out! But now? Nah. It happens.
Yesterday a stunning young lady caught my eye. She had it all: long purple hair, classic facial features, heavy glamorous makeup, cutting edge clothes, sassy salon nails, stylish tattoos, and a perfectly shaped body. Wow!
My moment of awe and envy soon faded as I wondered:
How much time and effort does it take her every day to achieve that perfect look?
And is it ever enough?
Does she think she’s fat?
Is she afraid to leave the house with just her natural look?
Does she dread (or deny) getting old?
Is she happier than she looks?
Is her heart free to enjoy the peace, and joy, and hope, and unconditional love flowing from a relationship with her Creator and Savior?
I’ll never know. But after many years of life, and seeing what happens to former movie stars, athletes, and all people, my perspective has changed.
How quickly the glory of the human body fades. And how tragic if that’s all a person has.
I enjoy doing what I can to look good. But as time goes by, the less I feel the need to look great all the time. Yay! What freedom.
And the good news is that every day that passes, when we seek God first and choose to rely on what He says, we’re one day closer to our Ultimate Destination. It’s an ongoing process to let go – to look beyond the temporal things (that ultimately won’t matter), and fix our hope on the spiritual things that have eternal value in God’s kingdom. I can ask, “Will this matter 100 years from now?”
I’m so grateful that God sees our hearts, and doesn’t judge our outward appearance.
The cold sore is almost gone. I think next time I’ll call it my beauty mark. 😉