Feeling alone, overwhelmed, helpless, abandoned, hopeless, angry, depressed, or confused? Take a slow deep breath and give yourself a hug. You are normal!
Most of us who love and care for someone else have huge hearts. And it seems like the harder we try to fix things or understand them, the more frustrated we get! That is why many loved ones either burn out, or just throw in the towel and walk away.
Learning about – and accepting my limitations (and failures) – has been an ongoing process. Let me share a few things that have been helpful to me on my own journey. Hope you find them helpful as well.
I cannot always help the one I love.
I cannot get others to understand.
I cannot help everyone.
I cannot fix the world, or any person.
I cannot warn every warrior and their loved ones of what they may have to face.
I cannot stop pain and injustice.
I cannot maintain a perfect relationship or an ideal home.
I cannot always have a great day.
I CAN love someone who needs me.
I CAN connect with others who understand.
I CAN offer encouragement to others.
I CAN listen to someone in need.
I CAN honor all who serve and have served.
I CAN help spread awareness.
I CAN keep on learning and growing.
I CAN ask the Lord for strength and grace.
I CAN take care of me.
It is totally OKAY to have a meltdown, to cry, to pray, to reach out to someone who is good for us, and to laugh at ourselves when we can. Tomorrow is always another day.
Let’s do what we tell them to do: