Had no idea how treacherous the road was til I hit an icy patch and slid out of control! Yikes!
Thankfully I made it safely to my appointment. When I told the office manager what had happened, she blurted out, “Thank gosh!”
Last week a neighbor and I were admiring the gorgeous day and the stunning beauty around us. Gratefully I commented, “How can people look at all this and not believe in God?”
His response was, “…or something.”
I’m baffled. Why do people refuse to acknowledge God – especially in amazing moments that seem so obviously from Him?
How sad. How empty. And even more so when they don’t seem quite sure what “or something” is.
I shudder to think where I’d be without the Lord, and am forever grateful for the pure JOY of reveling in His blessings! It feels so good!
Not only has God provided the way to forgiveness and eternal life with Him in heaven to all who choose by faith, but He is here with us NOW. And He delights in showering us with His goodness.
GOD is not just a “gosh” or a “something.” Almighty God, Creator of the universe, actually wants a relationship with us!
And a big part of that for me is the privilege of thanking Him and praising Him, and enjoying all the gifts we so easily take for granted.
Ever think that maybe our blessings (each heartbeat, breath, bite of food, sunrise, flower, song, loving family, health, good news, laughter, sleep, hugs, etc.) are invitations from God to respond?
Everyone has the privilege of choosing to respond to Him by faith. Or not.
And right now I choose to say, “Thank You, Jesus!” 🙂
“Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say, rejoice!” ~Philippians 4:4