“100,000 answered prayers!” was the answer. What was the question?
Here’s what happened:
Several years ago I was facing a horrendous challenge in my life. (Aren’t they all?) 😏 Even after praying fervently many times, I still had this nagging doubt. “Of course the Lord has answered many of my prayers in the past, but this is different. This just may be the one that He can’t or won’t fix.”
In my wobbling and wrestling, somewhere along the way I decided to try to calculate how many prayers the Lord had answered so far in my life. Technically, He answers every prayer with a “Yes,” a “No” or a “Maybe.” But I was just interested in the “Yes” answers.
For starters, there were all the times I prayed first thing in the morning, before leaving the house, before making a phone call or sending an email. I’ve prayed daily for many people. I prayed before every test, every solo, and every piano performance. I prayed many prayers about the young men in my life (or lack thereof). Health issues, money matters, disappointments, loved ones, and huge decisions have brought me to my knees. And much more.
Pretty amazed at that point, I decided to do the math: all those prayers, multiplied by how many days I’ve been walking this earth.
And I came up with about 100,000!
I wrote it down on a yellow sticky note and put it on the refrigerator.
100,000 Answered Prayers!
Looking at that note continues to lift my spirit and warm my heart. It encourages me to keep on asking. And thanking Him. 🙂
Fast forward to last week, I was at a neighborhood women’s group and the discussion question was: What saying do you have on your wall that encourages you?
100,000 Answered Prayers!
Prayer is simply meeting with God. Cherishing and growing in our relationship with Him.
And I see now that many of the prayers that were a “No,” in the long run turned out for the best.
God is good. And He is faithful. 💜
Sometimes looking back helps us look forward.
The prayer of the upright is His delight. (Proverbs 15:8)